Join Us Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Thank you for your interest in joining the Santa Catalina Volunteer Patrol (SCVP). Please fill out the application form below.* indicates that question is required Privacy Act Statement. The information on this form is provided to comply with the Privacy Act (PL 93-579). 5 U.S.C. 301 and 7 CFR 260 authorizes acceptance of the information requested on this form. The data will be used to contact applicants and to interview, screen, and select them for volunteer assignments. Furnishing this data is voluntary.SCVP is a non-profit organization 501(c)7. We patrol in the Santa Catalina Ranger District. We interact with visitors by providing trail and general recreation information. We educate the public about U.S. Forest Service rules & regulations, and safe outdoor & environmental practices. We partner with the U.S. Forest Service to assist in maintaining the habitat of Coronado National Forest. Please indicate that you have read this statement. *YesNoAre you a U.S. Citizen? *YesNoName *FirstLastHow would you like your name listed on the Patrol Roster (If different than above)?Street Address *City *State/Province *Zip or Postal Code *Email *Primary Phone *Internet Access: We require that you have access to a computer, tablet or smart phone with internet access. We require basic skills so that you can navigate the internet and our website. Will you be able to comply with this requirement? *YesNoHow did you hear about our organization? *Do you know any member(s) in our organization?YesNoOur organization has many members who are winter visitors to the Tucson area. We REQUIRE that you are available (in the Tucson area) for interviews and training from January through March/April. Can you be here during these months? *YesNoHow many months a year do you plan on being in the Tucson area? *Our members average 100+ volunteer hours a year (in various capacities). How many annual hours do you think you would be able to volunteer? *What are your reasons for wanting to volunteer with the Santa Catalina Volunteer Patrol? *What strengths/skills do you have to support our organization? *What are your thoughts on the importance of engaging with visitors? *Why do you think you would be a good fit for our organization? *What qualifications, skills, experience or education do you have that you would like to use while volunteering with SCVP, such as (a) interactions with the public, (b) knowledge of the trails of the Santa Catalina Mountains, (c) knowledge of desert flora and fauna, (d) other *Have you had other volunteer experiences that you would like to share with us?Membership involves hiking, walking and standing for periods of an hour or two and more. It is up to the patroller how much they wish to do and where they patrol, but these activities are part of the role. Short term limitations are understandable and expected at times. Are you able to do these activities? Mobility limitations do not disqualify you from applying. *YesNoWhat general categories of activities are you most interested in? Check as many that apply. *Big Horn Sheep PatrolBike PatrolHiking - Sabino Canyon TrailsHiking - Mt. Lemmon TrailsHiking - Foothills TrailsTrail MaintenanceMember TrainingVisitor Center Info DeskWorking with Visitors in the PlazaParticipation on committeesSCVP BoardVisitor Information at TrailheadsWalking the Sabino Canyon Shuttle RoadWebsite maintenanceOtherAre you willing to purchase and wear an authorized uniform and follow our policies and procedures? Initial cost of uniform ranges from approximately $75 to $125+. (SCVP can help with financial hardships) *YesNoAre there any comments you would like to add? (optional)Please read and agree before submitting: Volunteers are not considered to be Federal employees for any purpose other than tort claims and injury compensation. Volunteer service is not creditable for leave accrual or any other benefit. However, volunteer service is creditable work experience. *AgreeDO NOT AgreeSubmit